2023 Braiding Seeds Fellowship

Applications for the 2023 Braiding Seeds Fellowship are now open! The application deadline is May 1, 2023.
The fellowship is an 18-month program open to beginning BIPOC farmers from the NE and SE of the US. The program will provide 10 fellows with a $50,000 stipend, 1:1 mentorship and coaching, professional development, business acumen, and community building opportunities. Additionally, mini-grants of $2500 will be awarded to 12 runners-up. 
The application and an extensive FAQ can be found at: soulfirefarm.org/braiding-seeds-fellowshipPlease share across your networks! We have attached fliers and sample language that can be shared out below.
2023 Application Timeline

  • March 1st – 2023 Fellowship Application Period Opens
  • March 16th, 4:00-5:30 pm EST – Application Info Webinar and Q&A (Zoom)
    • Register hereSession will be recorded and uploaded to the website afterwards.
  • April Date TBD – Informational Q&A with Selection Committee Partners
  • May 1st – Applications Due, 11:59 PM EDT
  • July 3rd – Decisions Announced
  • July 17th – Fellowship Start Date

Sarah Sohn & Lulama Moyo 

Braiding Seeds Fellowship Co-Directors