We are hiring for a Market Manager to manage our Barn Store and multiple farmer’s markets/CSA pickups. This is a year-round position and requires Saturday and evening shifts. We would want a full-season commitment from anyone applying for this position. Please read below for full description or visit this link: https://www.bellairfarm.com/now-hiring
To apply, email us at bellairfarm@gmail.com with your resume and why you are interested!
Hours and start date: This position will be part time in winter (approx 10 – 20 hours), Dec-March, and could be either part time or full time in the on-season (25-40 hours), April-November, depending on your preference. Start date is flexible: now thru end of Feb, 2022.
Compensation: This position is hourly, and will be compensated at $16 per hour. Additional benefits include: free vegetables and eggs, paid time off (will vary depending on hours worked), paid 1 hours lunch, and access to the farm for walking, swimming, etc. Access to any Bellair documents (budget, crop plans) is also available.
We’re looking for someone with:
Strong managerial and interpersonal skills: you’ll be working with a variety of personalities from our customers to market managers to our own staff. Clear communication is key!
A high level of organization and attention to detail: we offer hundreds of products at 6 different weekly sales points and have multiple ways that we sell.
Ability to excel in a fast-paced work environment.
Ability to admit and correct their own mistakes
Ability to consistently lift and carry 60+ lbs repeatedly
An eye for aesthetics (good handwriting a plus!)
An enthusiasm for and knowledge about vegetables, farm-raised meats and other local agricultural products
An understanding of the importance of food safety
At LEAST one year experience working on a farm or in fast-paced local retail or similar field
A valid US driving license and clear driving record
We are an equal opportunity employer and encourage people from marginalized communities to apply!
Market Manager Roles and Responsibilities:
Learn and understand all Bellair’s Standard Operating Procedures as they apply to food safety, markets, CSA pickup and the Barn Store.
Train all market staff on above ^
Manage scheduling of market staff and create system for managing call-outs. Potentially sit in on interviews for new market staff as needed.
Attend at least two+ markets/pickups/store shifts per week
Supervise truck loading and pre-order packing for most if not all markets
Directly monitor market crew as the season goes on
Review, create, edit, or otherwise maintain market SOP’s, checklists, price lists, member lists, or any other systems needed.
Maintain Barn Store in good order: space cleaned, items stocked, prices marked, chalkboards written, including Pick-Your-Own information.
Maintain signs for off-site markets: veggie signs, chalkboards, banners etc
Communicate with Inventory Manager as needed for pre-ordered retail orders
Disseminate information to market staff: schedule changes, new products or policies, etc.
Submit social media content (photos) of markets as available
Promote a culture of vegetable enthusiasm among our crew and customers by sharing recipe and cooking ideas and tips.
Correct problems that come up and ensure the following are true, according to SOPs
We are tracking necessary data
We are providing a high level of customer service
Our crew is knowledgeable about our products, our CSA, and the farm in general
Our stand looks consistent, friendly and neat and is relatively easy to set-up/take-down
We maintain equipment as needed to get through the season
We bring sufficient product to market
Bellair’s 2022 intended market schedule:
Tuesdays Trinity Presbyterian 4-6:30 in season
Wednesdays Meade Park 3-7 in season
Thursdays TBD 4-6:30 in season
Fridays LFH pre-order only 4-5:30 year-round
Fridays Bellair Barn 9-5 in season
Saturdays IX 8-12 in season (9-1 off-season)
Saturdays Bellair Barn 9-2 in season (10-2 off-season)