34-acre Farm available in Lancaster Virginia
My family owns a beautiful 34-acre farm on a 117-acre property in Lancaster Virginia – Edgehill Farm (126 Edgehill Lane). We are looking to partner with someone to farm it regeneratively for profit with a cost- and profit-share arrangement that is favorable to the farmer. My main goal is to restore the health and biodiversity of the land. The current tenant farmer has been farming the land conventionally for decades and is not interested in shifting to regenerative practices – although he practices no-till.
To date, I have invested in equipment such as a 54 HP tractor, electric gator, crimper, biological soil drench sprayer, and composting equipment. The property also has a barn, well water, and electric. For the past three growing seasons, on 2.5 acres of the 34 acres, I have planted multi-species cover crops and done biological soil drenches to restore the soil microbiology and build up the soil organic matter. My expectation is that by spring 2024 the soil will be sufficiently healed on the 2.5 acres to plant a cash crop without the need for chemical inputs or tilling. Ideally, in this partnership, the farmer would be responsible for the farming operations including selecting the cash crop(s), planting, harvesting, marketing, etc. We are open to the possibility of transitioning ownership of the property so long as we are certain our partner shares our vision of ensuring the long-term health and biodiversity of the land.
If you want to discuss more about this opportunity, please contact me at
nicolajoyp@gmail.com / (858) 842-8384
Some background on me:
I am a lifelong environmentalist with a PhD in environmental engineering science and a career in high-tech corporate sustainability. I have lived in California since 1991. My regenerative farming journey began in 2018 when I read Gabe Brown’s book, Dirt to Soil and became obsessed with the idea of healing the earth using regenerative practices. Since then, I have completed training in regenerative farming practices through the Soil Food Web (www.soilfoodweb.com) and am working towards a consulting certification to help farmers convert to regenerative practices.